The introduction to the tensor analysis in curvilinear coordinates, as presented in this textbook, is developed in such a way, and by employing such a notation, that almost all of the most significant formulae obtained below with respect to a three-dimensional Euclidean space, which makes up the starting point and the base of our reasoning,—nearly all of the most important formulae carry over, without requiring any essential modification, to the general case of curved spaces as studied in the Riemannian geometry. Such are, for example, the expression (2.7) for the length element ds2 in terms of the metric tensor gik; the formulae for raising (3.29) or lowering (3.30) the indices; the relations (5.51) describing the variations in vector components produced by the vector’s parallel translation to an infinitely close spatial point; the expressions (5.57) and (5.58) for the Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric tensor; the relation (9.13) for the covariant derivative; and, finally, the formula (9.21) defining the curvature tensor Rmikl . The distinguishing feature shared by the just mentioned relations, resides in the fact that all of them are built in terms of the metric tensor gik without referring to the specific nature of the latter. For this reason, the move from Euclidean geometry to the Riemannian one may be carried out, from a formal standpoint, by simply redefining the metric tensor (2.8) while keeping intact the entire structure of concepts, notions, and representations as established with respect to curvilinear coordinates in three-dimensional Euclidean space. For all those reasons, some of the above-mentioned relations, expressions, and formulae, if adopted in advance as postulates, might lay the basis for an axiomatic development of the general theory of Riemannian spaces, with no reference to the initial Euclidean space. Sometimes in the literature, an introduction to the tensor analysis builds right from the start on such an axiomatic approach, and the formal nature of the approach is fraught with dangers of its being learned formally as well. Tracing the origins of the basic concepts and ideas, while supporting them visually by means of geometrical images relative to the familiar three-dimensional Euclidean space, should help the reader in his effort to overcome assimilating the concepts formally. Tensorial differential operations in curvilinear coordinatesPrefaceWelcomeLev Chebotarev Montreal, April 2016.