The purpose of this textbook is to shed light upon the origins of fundamentalnotions of Riemannian geometry, which makes up the framework of themathematical apparatus for the theory of general relativity. By introducingarbitrary curvilinear coordinates in the conventional three-dimensionalEuclidean space, the appearance of contra- and covariant vectors is clarified, thegenesis of Christoffel's symbols and of covariant differentiation is brought tolight along with detailed explanation of their geometrical sense and meaning.Among useful applications, the expressions for the differential operations ofvector analysis in curvilinear coordinates are derived, in particular, those inorthogonal coordinates. Important examples include detailed derivations ofrelated expressions in spherical and cylindrical coordinates.The textbook is intended for university students studying physics, as well as forpersons interested in the mathematical apparatus of general relativity; it alsomay be helpful as a complete reference book with respect to the formulas ofvector differential operations in curvilinear coordinates. —Montreal, 2016.—76 p.—$17.50. ISBN: 978-0-9918732-1-0 Tensorial differential operations in curvilinear coordinatesA textbook for university students studying Physics